Maxon Fine Jewelry’s own Jessica Harmison Olson serves as chair for The Network for Young Professionals Leadership Council, the premier organization for Springfield’s professionals under forty who are interested in connecting with other young professionals, advancing their careers, filling leadership roles in the community, and building relationships with other business leaders.


In the final weeks of the 2021 legislative session, Jessica traveled to Jefferson City alongside her vice chair and past chair for the annual Network Day at the Capitol. There, they met with representatives from the governor’s office, several southwest Missouri lawmakers, and Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe to promote important business community issues. Among the key priorities were long-term funding to support infrastructure, the collection of online sales tax, Covid-19 liability protections, tourism support and more.

Jessica’s particular focus during her time in Jefferson City was the impact the collection of online sales tax, also called a “Wayfair” tax, would have on her as a local business owner.

At the end of June, Governor Mike Parson signed SB 153 & 97 into law while visiting Maxon Fine Jewelry. This law which allows Missouri and local jurisdictions to collect a use tax from online retailers who sell and deliver more than $100,000 in tangible goods to consumers in the state, with the ultimate goal being to protect Missouri’s brick and mortar stores.

way-fair-taxThe Wayfair Tax helps course-correct a serious advantage given to out-of-state online retailers, who weren’t required to pay the same state sales taxes as local businesses. This was especially onerous to local businesses who were, unlike out-of-state retailers selling to Missourians, required to pay sales and use taxes to other states. According to Governor Parson’s statement on the matter, collection and remittance obligations will begin on January 1, 2023.

At Maxon Fine Jewelry, we’re honored to be associated with the signing of this law, and the added protections it will afford local businesses.