Jane and Jessica go to Conclave 2022

We have to take a moment to brag on one of our store owners, Jane McElvaine! She was chosen to speak at the American Gem Society‘s Conclave conference this year! She was able to share about the importance of relationship building in sales, which if you know Jane this comes at no surprise! Managing Partner, Jessica Harmison Olson was able to be there in support.

The American Gem Society (AGS) is a nonprofit trade association of fine jewelry professionals dedicated to setting, maintaining and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct and professional behavior through education, accreditation, recertification of its membership, gemological standards, and gemological research.

The Society is committed to providing educational products to inform and protect the consumer and to contributing to the betterment of the trade by creating industry standards to protect the jewelry-buying public and the fine jewelry industry as a whole.

It was a huge honor for her to be selected and we are so proud of her – we love you Jane, keep sparkling!